Dr. Steffen Murau| steffenmurau.com

2016 | ‘EU, US and ASEAN Actorness in G20 Financial Policy‐Making. Bridging the EU Studies – New Regionalism Divide’ (with Kilian Spandler), Journal of Common Market Studies

This article compares the European Union’s (EU) actorness in foreign financial policy to that of the US and ASEAN. It thus contributes to the dialogue between EU studies and the New Regionalism by putting it into practice through comparative research. It argues that a process‐oriented interpretation of the actorness concept can be used to compare the EU to both nation‐states and international organizations at the same time. This makes it possible to examine the ‘nature of the beast’ in specific foreign policy contexts on empirical grounds. The case study analyses EU, US and ASEAN actorness in the IMF reform negotiations within the G20 framework. The findings suggest that a ‘two‐way comparison’ of the EU is not only possible but also provides valuable empirical insights into the role of informal politics in the EU and other regions.

Presented at the EU in International Affairs IV Conference, Brussels (05/2014)

Kilian Spandler, University of Gothenburg

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