Dr. Steffen Murau| steffenmurau.com

Credit Money

‘Encumbered Security. Conceptualizing Vertical and Horizontal Repos in the Euro Area’ (with Alexandru-Stefan Goghie and Matteo Giordano)

Despite the paramount centrality of repurchase agreements (repos) in today’s market-based finance regime, both conceptual and empirical questions about European repo markets are insufficiently explored as contradictory legal and accounting treatments make their on-balance-sheet representation […]

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2020 | ‘Private Debt as Shadow Money? Conceptual Criteria, Empirical Evaluation and Implications for Financial Stability’ (with Tobias Pforr), Private Debt Project

Some scholars have labeled the financial structures that faced a run during the 2007-9 Financial Crisis as ‘shadow banking system’ and have connected it to the emergence of new monetary instruments. This was the starting […]

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2018 | ‘Offshore Dollar Creation and the Emergence of the Post-2008 International Monetary System’

This paper studies the transformation of the International Monetary System (IMS) in the run up to and after the 2007-9 Financial Crisis. Adopting a Money View perspective, it argues that the IMS, in contrast to […]

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2017 | ‘Shadow Money and the Public Money Supply. The Impact of the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis on the Monetary System’, Review of International Political Economy

This article explores the effects of the political reactions to the 2007–2009 financial crisis on the monetary system. It chimes in with the view that shadow banks create ‘shadow money’, i.e. private substitutes for bank […]

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2016 | ‘European Monetary Integration and the Public-Private Money Divide. Can Post-Crisis Reforms Harmonize Private Money Creation in the Eurozone?’

Based on the conceptual framework of the ‘Money View’, this paper argues that European monetary integration until the Eurocrisis only focused on harmonizing public money on a supranational level while neglecting private credit money creation. […]

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